Realizing the Potential of Digital Twins Through Community-led, Science-driven Participatory Modeling: A Case in Green Infrastructure Planning.
Tuesday, November 5, 2024 12pm to 1pm
About this Event
Free EventThe Faculty-Works-In-Progress Series is sponsored by the Dean of the College of Social Sciences and the Humanities and the Northeastern Humanities Center.
Faculty from all colleges have the opportunity to share their current research with colleagues and benefit from questions and discussions.
Lunch will be provided. In-person attendance only. RSVP Required:
Recent research, professional, and funding agendas have re-surfaced the importance of knowledge co-production and ethical participation to address urban tensions worldwide: urbanization and rapid climate change, disproportionately impacting socially vulnerable populations. Despite the potential of data-driven technologies to address these tensions, they have fallen short from their promise. We present a participatory modeling (PM) platform,, to build on existing strengths of DT and overcome their most prevalent limitations. This platform is organized around the iterative steps in PM: problem definition and goal setting, preference elicitation, collaborative scenario-building, simulation, tradeoff deliberation, and solution-building. We demonstrate the platform’s effectiveness when embedded in a stakeholder-led process that integrates diverse knowledge, data sources, and values in pursuit of equitable green infrastructure (GI) planning to address flooding.
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