Interested in the Evolution and History of Life in the Oceans?
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
About this Event
Spring Semester 2019, Lecture M, W, Th 10:30 - 11:35, Lab Wed 11:35 - 1:25
Ancient Marine Life
ENVR 5242 (Lab ENVR 5243)
Professor Richard H Bailey
Ancient Marine Life considers the origin and evolution of the major invertebrate organisms that live or lived in the World’s oceans. How did the designs of marine animals evolve? How did extinct organisms function? Why did some marine animals survive, thrive, and become extinct? How were ecosystems and paleocommunities organized and reorganized over the last half billion years of Earth history? What can we learn about changes in the Modern oceans by looking at the fossil record? Plus much more.
Who: Any NU student with permission of instructor; No prequisites; Ancient Marine Life is an upper level elective for Environmental Science geoscience concentration and can be used as an upper level elective for any ENVR concentration with permission of instructor; AML is also an upper level elective for Marine Biology; email Professor Bailey at to register or for more information.
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